
Monday, September 28, 2015

Fun Blue

Sharing some fun with Sally for Blue Monday . . .

80-Year-Old Man Builds A Dog Train To Take Rescued Stray Dogs On Adventures:
This photo caught my eye because it was so sweet.  As an animal lover I couldn't help but check it out.
The gentleman driving this fun Blue train is the creator and developer all for wagging tails of rescued dogs.


There is some good left.  Sometimes we just have to look for it.

Have a Great Week!

Linking with
Blue Monday
Busy Monday
The Art Of Homemaking


SmilingSally said...

Hi Sherry,

LOL I spotted this on FB and LOVED it! Thanks for playing today.

Happy Blue Monday!

LV said...

While surfing the internet I saw this as well. Thought it was just the greatest. We could use more folks like this gentleman.

Duke said...

We have seen this on facebook. It's just wonderful☺

bj said...

How cute this is....

Denise said...

like your blues

Ida said...

That is just so adorable and sweet.