
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Doin A Little Blog/House Cleaning


My Saturday is Sweet with new ideas and everything all cleaned up.  I hope . . .
How to Keep Your House Clean in 15 Minutes a Day! via @SparkPeople
There is an interesting article.  Click above to read the article.   Today I am doing a little cleaning here on the blog.  I've been wanting a new look for a while and so today while I am doing some cleaning and laundry around the house I figured it would be the perfect time to make some changes.

I think this is going to be a weekend project and maybe run all the way into next week.  You'll be seeing some changes a little at a time I think.  I'd love your comments.  Please let me know how you like the new look!

While I am getting things all spiffed up and sparkly around here I hope your having a great weekend.

If your planning a July 4th celebration and need some last minute ideas come by on Monday I'll be sharing some ideas!

                                                       Happy Trails


Stacy said...

I think this house cleaning article is idealistic rather than realistic, especially if you have kids. Between my husband and I, we sweep our floors three times a day because of how much dirt is tracked in the house and the crumbs that endlessly fall on the floor. And if we slack on the sweeping, it shows big time. I can't even imagine doing it once a week. Good luck on your house cleaning. I've been doing the same thing the last few days and things are looking great!

Duke said...

We love your new background choice. It's very pretty and cheerful☺

Hannah said...

Your white horse with the flowers and cool background is so romantic! House cleaning is a chore, but can make a difference.

Rose said...

Have fun with your always takes me a while to get the colors I want. I was going to change one of mine the other day and the colors did not let me change the variation. Maybe I will try again...reading that you are messing with yours makes me want to mess with mine. LOL