
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

# One . . . I posted this little photo on my blog this week. I love this . . . Where is Jesus in this. I reminds me each time that I post to evaluate whether what I am writing is something that would make Him my savior proud. I always want Jesus to be here.

#Two . . . I was amazed by this story found here. The story of this sweet little horse just blessed my soul. I miss my horses so much. And sometimes when I see photo's or hear stories I am saddened but this one just was a Blessing. I hope I get to learn more of her story.

#Three . . . The next verse I want to remember. I have been working on this one for two weeks. I don't know what it was but I just could not remember it. Here's another try:

Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in Him and I am helped. My heart leaps for Joy. I will give thanks to Him in song. Psalms 28:7.

Well I guess I will be working on it a while longer.

#Four . . . My favorite post of the week. I am sorry but this time I have to share my own. I was glad to finally join Tablescape Thursday. Here's my post.

# Five . . . God's promises. Tonight I lean and trust in Him.


craftyles said...

Just came by to say yes , you can certainly use my desk photo from Where Bloggers Create. Thanks for noticing. Thanks for the nice tablescape comments too.Nice to meet you. I live in Flower mOUnd and can't wait for the heat to go down!

Melissa said...

I like your list! I'm especially with you on #1 (GREAT idea!) and #5 (I'm there, too).

Kari said...

WIJIT - well that could certainly apply to our lives everyday - not just posting.
Great list, thanks for sharing.

Sherrie said...

Loved your table scape post. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

Susanne said...

I love that "WIJIT". A great reminder for sure!

Good for you for memorizing scripture and sticking with it even when it doesn't catch on at first.

I will check on your horse story link. From the picture it looks very interesting. Thank you for being a part of FFF!

Cindy said...

This horse probably gets along just fine and he looks well looked after. I will be back to check the link another time.

Pet said...

I like you list. Good morning and blessing!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I love your WIJIT idea -- that's just great!

Hiding His word in our hearts is SO important. I'm with you on that one.

Happy week ahead.

Karen said...

I enjoyed your list!

Denise said...

Awesome faves.