Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Today the linky is over at Laurie's stop over there and join up!
Today I am especially Thankful. We finally got inter-net. And we have a great signal. So I'll be able to spend alot more time doing what I love most. Posting and visiting all of you!
I am also thankful that things have changed for us a lot over the last few months. We've moved to a really nice apartment. And it is really feeling like a home. I am planning lots of posts about our little cottage apartment!
And things have changed drastically finanacially. So we get to go out tonight for our anniversary. Our actual anniversary is June 25th but we couldn't get a reservation for that night with the waitress we wanted. We have a friend that works at a really, really nice resturant. I am so looking forward to tonight. Nothing new to wear. No nice gifts to exchange. Just a chance for a really, really nice meal.
And I am really, really thankful for God. I am thankful he listens to my prayers. I am thankful he is patient with me.
I am thankful for this . . .
that he gave us his Word and that he helps me keep it in my heart so that I can trust Him and depend on him to help me get through struggles. And that he forgives me for this . . .
Oh so often this is what my Bible looks like. I am thankful that even though I don't spend time in His Word as I should he forgives me. And he waits patiently for me.
Thank you Father for sharing the Journey . . .
click here to visit Thankful Thursday 

Happy belated anniversary. Have a wonderful evening with your love.
THank you for sharing. I have been doing this for a almost a month and I can honestly say I think I have really become more thankful in sitting down every evening during the week and writing one thing I am thankful for to post on thursday.
Thank you for sharing and allowing me to visit.
belated happy anniversary to you. your post is really nice. so pure and sweet. blessings...
You make my heart smile.
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