
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday Sketch

My inspiration . . .

This painting hangs/sits in my creative space.  I can see it when I sketch.  My daughters creation when she was in 5th grade.

And a new work in progress.  I've begun to make sketches in a composition book . . .

                                I hope your day is filled with  Bliss


Denise said...

talent runs in your family.

GalleryJuana said...

Wonderful work in progress. I like your hanging hearts and squiggly lines! Sweet photos of your dog in the previous post:)

eileeninmd said...

Your daughter's painting is pretty. Enjoy your new week ahead!

Beth Macre said...

Follow your Bliss! What a great inspirational quote! I love the doodles you created! Have fun with them!

Lisabella Russo said...

Your work in progress is wonderful and your daughter's painting is lovely!

Duke said...

Both sketchings are wonderful!

Christine said...

nice sketch with the best inspiration!

Christine said...

Nice sketch with the best inspiration!

Julie said...

I love both your daughter's painting and your journal sketches!

bj said...

I looked and looked for an email link to you...didn't find one, tho.
I don't mind you using anything on my blog...I can't imagine what you could use to feature me but please feel free to any post I have.
Thank you. xoxo

Wanda said...

Such cute sketching and your Blissful quote is something we all need. Bliss...I'll remember that this week.,

Unknown said...

Very nice lettering in your journal/ sketchbook.

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Love your daughter's creation AND yours ~ Yes! ~ follow your bliss!

mandysea said...

Wow..thats a wonderful painting created by your daughter. Love your words in your journal... and the doodling is fabulous too!