
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

10 Minute Tuesdays

I found the coolest thing over at Clothed with Scarlet
she was participating in Faithful Chicks 10 Minute Tuesday.
Its a cool meme. She posts a verse in the morning and then everyone studies it and meditates on it and then writes a post.
John 13:34 "A new commandment I give you that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another."
Sometimes it is so hard to love the unlovable. But that is what we do everyday through our ministry. In our case the unlovable are teenagers that have been in trouble with the law. They are incarcerated in our states juvenile correctional facility.
Each week we provide groceries to the ones that are on parole and share God's love with them and just give them a little hope. Each week we include a devotional or a scripture in the sack.

The thing that I enjoy most are the 20 girls living in a halfway house in our town. Everyone always asks me if they are "bad". If I have any trouble with them if I take them on a field trip or outing. I honestly have to say "no". They are just so happy to see that someone cares about them. It is interesting because they are little sponges. They absolutely absorb the love and attention we provide. And they are like little children when we talk to them about God and Jesus. They are so anxious to learn. They are anxious to find something. They don't really know that it is God that they need. That God is the one who can fill the hole in their hearts. But they are open and willing to listen.
And so we keep telling them and praying that they will absorb and come to know Christ.
That they will someday be a follower of Jesus and that they will also learn to "love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another."


Anonymous said...

Thanks for participating in 10MT!

Many blessings,
faithful chick

Debra Kaye said...

I wish I had seen this post earlier. This is so touching. I will add you to my prayer journal and be praying for you as you are being such a faithful witness to these teens.

What a precious truth you are teaching them...they are loved!

Blessings to you dear sister!