
Monday, August 2, 2021

Menu Monday


Welcome to Menu Monday.  Do you have your meals all planned on out this week?  

I get a jump start and plan my menus on Saturday when I write my Happy Homemaker in Texas post for Sandra's blog party. 

So here's my plans for the week. 
I am sure a few will change.  It always happens!  

I am always ready for a chance to let someone to else cook! 


Bratwurst/Kielbasa, Cabbage and Potatoes


Shrimp Tacos and Guacamole


Oven Baked Flounder, Green Beans, Baked Potatoes


Split Pea Soup, BLT's 


Surprise me I am out of ideas

I might have Cubed Steak in freezer for Chick Fry. Yum.

I am totally open to anything the Cowboy suggests.  Especially if I don't have to cook.  And clean up. 

For lunches this week 

I want to make a Tuna casserole

The Cowboy will have sandwiches. We went to store that has his Lebanon Bologna

I want to make some soup.  Beef Vegetable or maybe Chicken and Rice.

Chef Salad.  Need to boil some Eggs. Maybe Devil some for dinner one night.  Hmm which night?

Maybe they will be a snack.  I love Deviled Eggs.  Do you?

Hope your week is

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

I love deviled eggs and make hard boiled eggs all the time. They are usually for Molly. She gets one in her dinner every single day.