We're having a lazy morning around here today

Yes that is a skull and cross bones flag left from our Pirate party.
Do you remember when Jack Sparrow visited me?
This happened . . . Well not when Jack visited. This week . . .
The end of summer is always Hot here. And then what made it worse this week was the a/c went out in the car. Still trying to find someone to fix it!
And a little of That . . .
Started a new job it always takes a lot out of me because I work really hard to make a good impression and I don't sleep well.
. . . Also a client that just got married went to Hawaii and I went over to the house extra to water the plants.
It was a busy week. And then The Cowboy bought chicken and so for some crazy reason I decided to fry it. Wasn't sure I remembered how!
And so. . .The kitchen this morning is a mess.
I wish I could curl up in a comfy chair. Actually I can and it is across the room and I can see that sweet dog and I remember when Jack visited.

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