So Welcome to the Sunday edition!

Each week I join Sandra she provides the prompts
but I add some of my own!
The weather
Ditto from last week. It's August September in Texas. That means hot. And no rain.
On my reading pile
Did you see my review last week of Fit To Be Tied by Debby Mann? It was a great read. You might like it.

A few Cozy Mysteries are on my stack for the next few weeks.

I can't take a nice picture of a stack because these are all on my phone or Kindle. I miss print copies.
What's on your t.v.?
We rarely turn ours on anymore. At least lately.
So I was wondering what your watching?
I am thinking
I miss(ed) my summer garden. (it died) I hope to have
some success in the next couple months.
Something fun to share

I missed joining this. But I am visiting maybe I'll get some ideas.
You can find it over at Mrs. Olson's. Click here.
For dinner tonight
Reheated steak from Friday.
Baked potato
Boiled yellow squash (for me)
Grilled Zucchini, Mushrooms and Onions
The menu
Monday-Labor Day
Brisket, Cole Slaw, Tomato's, Loaded Mashed Potato's, Deviled Eggs
Wednesday-Chopped BBQ Sandwiches, left overs from Monday
Thursday-Oven Roasted Chicken, Green Beans, Corn
Friday - Chicken Pot Pie, Salad, Biscuits
Last weeks menu-What worked what didn't
Monday Pinto's and Corn Bread it's been a few weeks!
Tuesday Trying that Rotisserie Chicken again maybe some fresh veggies (planning left overs for Domino)
Wednesday- Is there a pot roast in the freezer?
Thursday-Kid Friendly- Hot Dogs, Fries and Jello
Friday- Stew w/Biscuits (from the leftover pot roast)
Well it was a nice idea. The Cowboy messed up the beans
Did get the chicken done
The rest of the week I am clueless what we ate.
Except we did have Steak on Friday. I only remember because I reheated leftovers last night!
On the To Do List
Redress the Kitchen Hutch from Patriotic to Fall
Finish cleaning and getting the Outdoor Room ready for Fall
Inventory Freezer Didn't get it done last week
Buy Green yarn at Hobby Lobby
My Ta Da moment
I found and brought home a stick vac from my mothers apartment.
I cleaned our baseboards! It's a cool little vac! Love it!
Craft Basket plans

These are soooo cute. I want to make a garland to hang on the hutch. I display a collection of small Christmas Trees on top.
The Fabulous Party Features

Click here to read the post.

This look so yummy. Click here for the post/recipe.
In the garden
Fall plans. And hopes!
From the camera

Belt testing. On the way to Black

Have A Great Week
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