
Monday, April 6, 2009

Mission 4 Monday

Welcome to Mission 4 Monday I haven't posted a mission project lately but today I wanted to share with you something that is on my heart. Even though I have been away and unable to use my computer or email I have been doing some work. I spoke to the Elementary school the other day near the location of our baby fair. You can read about it here I was able to speak to the counselor and I asked her if they had a back pack program. As I suspected she said they did not. And told me how much one was needed.
Here's why I am writing to share this with you. I live in a city with a huge Food Bank. They have more than 300 agencies like myself that distribute food in many different ways like
food pantrys, soup kitchens and back prack programs. I spoke to the Food Bank and found out that there is not funding to add another school to the program.
This broke my heart. In the back of my mind I am thinking about how I am going to raise the funds to start this much needed program.
Is there an elementary school near you? Is it a low income neighborhood. Can you imagine being a child and going home on Friday knowing that the last meal you had was at lunch. The backpack program provides food to get the child through the weekend. Our food bank includes in the back packs : 2 cartons of milk, juice box, fruit cup, cereal bars, pudding cup.

Maybe your a SAHM .or maybe your a grandmother. Maybe your on a fixed income or have little extra money to donate to a charity. But, maybe you have a few hours of time to volunteer at your local food bank. I ask you today to pray with me for Springdale Elementary School and the children there that go came to school this morning hungry. I ask you to pray with me today for the school in your neighborhood or city and the children there that came to school today hungry.


  1. That's terrible! Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our life that we don't see the struggles of others. Thank you for the reminder! I will be praying my friend!

  2. Thought provoking and wonderful post! Thank you for sharing.


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