
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Then Sings My Soul Resurrection Sunday Edition

There was this song I kept hearing on the radio and singing (not nearly as good) all week. This morning I went to find it on you tube to share with you all. I found a couple of beautiful versions but none had the words and I just really like to include the words. But I found this and I thought it was awesome and perfect for today.

And then I went to the kitchen to get my morning Dr. Pepper and what I saw made me smile. God is speaking. I wish I could have taken a picture. But they were too far away they would have run before I could have gotten a decent shot. What God shared with me this morning was two cotton tail rabbits sitting in my back pasture.
O.K. your thinking 'Ya God is speaking through rabbits'. He did to me this morning. You see he knows that I love animals. He knows that I told my Cowboy yesterday that all I want is enough money to pay rent and feed my animals. Which includes 3 rabbits that my son in love gave me a few months ago. If you have read my blog for awhile you'll get what I am saying.

If you haven't I share this video and it's message to you. God is speaking. God is speaking to you today. Maybe he is speaking softly to your heart and telling you he loves you. Maybe he wants you to trust and believe in his son Jesus. And to believe in Resurrection Sunday.

There is someone that I know that struggles with this. She is a sweet girl that I have been mentoring for almost 2 years now. She struggles with understanding how God can allow the things to happen to her that have. She struggles believing and trusting in God. And today my prayers are with her. I'll be emailing this video to her and praying that God speaks to her. She has a new job working in a nursing home. I am praying that while she is there this weekend that someone will take the seeds that have been planted and watered for the last two years and harvest them.

And, I pray for you that God speaks to you.

Amy is the hostess for Then Sings My Soul join her sing with us today.


  1. Oh, Sherry, how perfect!
    I do love this song:)
    Easter blessings to you and yours:)
    (praying for all those searching, and hurting to find, to know, to see:)

  2. I enjoyed that video, thank you
    Happy Easter!


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