
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Easter Give a Way

Before you read my post I need some help. I tried to link some friends on my sidebar but it doesn't work. Can anyone tell me how to do it? (adding my dummies at blogging to the label for this one!)

I am doing a fun Easter give a way. If you homeschool leave me a comment about why you homeschool. If you don't but wish you could come on over and leave me a comment too. And if your a grandparent whose grandchild is homeschooled you can enter too.
These are mostly girly craft items like beads and stuff. But there are some fun bean bags and there are some of those plastic things that you design and iron.(I am still sorting through stuff so I will be throwing in some things too) They were all donated to our ministry but they are things that we actually wouldn't need for our regular activites so I want to pass them on to you.
I was Blessed to be able to homeschool my daughter for one year of school. It was an amazing time for all of us. This week I'll be writing about homeschooling and I'll post some of our photo's. I hope each of you are Blessed this week.

I didn't do very well with the verse of the week last week. And duh it was short and simple. I just didn't sit down and work on it like I did the week before.
I am really challenging myself this week because what I want to memorize is 6 verses!
But it is a passage that needs to be memorized together.
I mentioned the verse memory class at my church in an earlier post. This past weekend they had a women's retreat. I didn't get to go but one of my friends said that one young lady (maybe young has to do with it) recited the entire book of James. Wow. And here I am stressing over 6 verses. Here's my Verse of the week. I already know part of it so it should be easy.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Love the Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road,when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your house and gates.

Today Lord I ask you to give me strength to get through this next week. Give strength also to everyone out there that is following you and trusting you and teaching thier children in the way that you direct them. Give them strength and courage to do what you ask of them to do. And be with the children this week as they learn and study. Give them a tender spirit.

This is my grandson. He is homeschooled. Maybe this is science class! He was so proud of his find. Do you think he is all boy?

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