
Monday, March 3, 2008

The end of the horse that you don't want to see . . .

Interesting title huh? I needed last weeks verse this morning. But as I said before I didn't completely learn it. Here it is anyway belatedly.
Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.

This morning I witnessed a rodeo as I went out into the rain and mud. This is the end of the horse that I faced as I walked through the gate into his stall. Actually I didn't make it in!
Only it wasn't as docile as this. I have no idea what the old man was thinking.
He turned his rear to me. Put his head down and proceeded to give me a nice little show. All the while I am backing back out of the gate as I am carrying his breakfast. I can only hope that he was letting the "short people"(two mini donkeys) know not to come through that gate with me. Of course I yelled at him and after a nice little show he settled down. My heart didn't but I popped his rear and yelled again. Now I must add that all the while this was going on Daisy stayed exactly where I had told her to with her nose under the gate. This could be because yesterday she got her you know what busted for not staying where she was told. She just loves to help feed those horses but she doesn't know how to act around them.
I share all this with you because I believe it was actually a Blessing to see. This horse is 26 years old this year. And he still has a lot of spunk! And as you can see from this photo he is my daughters delight. This photo was taken in '04 so he was a youngster then. LOL. I was just thinking the other day she needs to take him to one last show this summer.
I might have been wrong he might need to go to a rodeo instead.
Now that I am back in the house and dry and not looking at his rear and his feet are not in my face I am actually smiling about the entire episode. I know some of you are reading this and thinking that this women is a nut. But some of you know exactly what I mean.

Switching leads . . .(that is equine lingo it means switching gears) Here is part of the verse of the week.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your strength.
These commands I give you to be upon your heart.

That is only half of the passage but I typed that from memory and it is only Monday!

Tomorrow I will be writing about the method that I use to memorize and about the wonderful friend that shared it with me.

So till then give thanks in song and Happy Trails


  1. I love how God uses all kinds of things (plants, animals, whatever)for object lessons! One day I'll have to post how I learned how God taught me something about myself, through "Birdzilla" our evil, people-hatin' parakeet!

  2. What a beautiful horse, Sherry! I will have to show Grace, she loves horses.
    P.s. I don't care for the taste of buttermilk, but love baking with it!


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