
Saturday, March 1, 2008


I taught my dog a trick. They say that you can't teach an old dog a new trick. this is proof you can. I guess if 5 years is old. I have been promising to tell you guys Daisy's story.
But before I do. Have you seen those commercials for dog food that show the dogs in the pound. I don't even remember now which food it is because everytime that the comercial comes on I want to change it. It is just so depressing to me. They are trying to make this big deal that if you buy the brand of dog food that x number of dollars goes to animal shelters. I don't disagree I would be a big advocate of "no kill shelters" but I just think there is a better way to advertise than showing those sad dogs in cages with no hope. The least they could do is end the commercial with the dogs getting adopted.
That must of been the way that Daisy felt before I found her. Daisy came home with me just over a year ago.
Her story shows how God is "into" even the seemingly minor parts of your life. He will provide hope and reasurrance and love in many ways. You might be skeptical. You might think he isn't interested in seemingly silly or minor things. But I know he is all about giving us a purpose and a hope and a future. And the things that we might think are small add up to a purpose and a future.
God brought Daisy into my life. I was in a really,really bad place. I was having to quote scripture. Psalms 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those you are crushed in spirit. I was at a point where I was crushed in spirit. I was broken. Because of circumstances out of my control I had for a time lost one of the most important people in my life. I was about to break mentally. My husband and I both at the time were just going through the paces. No one would suspect that anything was wrong. We were working in full time ministry. We were active in church. All appeared well with the world. But personally it was not.
But God pulled me up and pulled me out of the state that I was in and he used Daisy to do it.
It all started late one Saturday night. I tend to stay on the computer a lot (right now it is 10:20 on Sat. night. . . hmmm.) My husband had already gone to bed but I wasn't tired so I went to watch t.v. As usual there was nothing on. I kept scrolling through the stations and couldn't find anything to occupy me with. I flipped to the local access channel and the were showing activities at the local rec. center and local news. And then they started scrolling across the screen animals in the local shelter. Guess who's photo was there. I was not looking for a dog. I knew that my husband would not agree to bringing another dog into the house. He had said in no uncertain terms that once the two dogs we had were gone we wouldn't get anymore. He was tired of being tired down and not being able to go anywhere. He was tired of shedding. He was tired in the later years; of their health problems and all that incurs. When I saw her photo something inside me said she's yours. You need to go and get that dog. There was text across her photo that said urgent. (does that not pull at your heart? It did mine) Now realize this is late Sat. night. I went to bed and couldn't stop thinking about her. I went through Sunday and didn't say a word to anyone. On Monday I emailed the pound and asked about her. She was still there. I learned that she had been there for 45 days. The officer told me they only keep dogs for 30 days and then they put them down. But she was special so they kept her to give her a chance. I thought about her and prayed about her. I still didn't mention her to my husband. I knew in the back of my mind he would say no. On Tuesday I went to a ladies bible study at my church. On the way I stopped at the animal shelter to see Daisy. She immediately tore at my heart. The police officer told me her name was Daisy. How he knew that I don't know. He said that she had been abandoned in a back yard. He family had just walked away and left her. I told the officer I would go home and talk to my husband. I left and went onto bible study. And during that bible study time I realized I needed to leave and go and get my dog.
I went and picked her up. I asked the officer to help me get her to my truck. I wasn't sure if she would jump in so he helped me. She didn't know how to jump into my bit F350 43 wheel drive truck. So he picked up and put her in.
I took her home. I walked in the door and found my husband in the office. He looked up and asked. "What is that?" I said. "My dog." he responded. "Where did you get her?" I said. "At the pound." he said. "Take her back." I said. "No." and I cried. I was sitting down by this time and Daisy had sat down in front of me. I didn't ask her to she just sat and looked at me. I looked at my husband and said. "She is my dog and I am keeping her." through my tears. He said what are you going to do with her when we're gone. I answered. "I won't leave her. She will go with me everywhere I go."
And she does. He relented. I knew he would. His bark is worse than his bite. Daisy didn't really like him at first. He has one her over by offering treats.
On Friday he went to the doctor. One the way home we were driving along and he pulled into McDonalds. He bought the dog an ice cream. This is the man that didn't want more animals.
Now today I am healed by the love of this dog. God brought this dog into my life. Maybe to give me something that I could love. To replace in a small way my loss. Or maybe to show me that he is in control. That even though things seem dark that he will give us a sign. A glimpse of his love.
I see God's love every day. Because Daisy like God loves me unconditionally. It doesn't matter what I do. What I say. I don't have to perform. She just loves.
God just loves.

And so...she stays...he doens't suggest taking her back anymore.
And the most amazing thing is that we have looked at the local access channel at least a dozen times. They don't show photo's of the animals. Still think God isn't into the small things?

Verse of the week
Psalms 28:7
the Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart turst in him and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet story about your Daisy-Girl! I agree that God is in the details of life! Nothing goes by un-noticed, nothing is beyond His concern! My friend who has WOODY told me that she believes God brought Callie into her life becasue He knew she needed someone to care about since she and her daughter don't have a good relationship anymore. That opened the door to care for Woody. What an awesome God we serve! Thanks for the heads up that your story about Daisy was posted!
    God Bless and have an amazing week in the Lord!


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