
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday Filled With Words Slow Process

It's been a slow process . . .


Sort of like as sun slow rises in the morning.
It's just slowly on it's on schedule moving
into the sky.  Then suddenly it's there!

I've been praying and praying.  I've been asking God questions.  I've been
pouring out my heart.  I've been seeking wisdom, and strength and courage.  I've
been listening and realizing he's at work. 

But I still feel like I

Messed Up
I wonder.  I ask him questions about circumstances in my life.    I wait for his answers.
I try not to make decisions on my own.  I try to seek him.  That is hard.  I am a go girl.  I make things happen.  At least I used to. 

Now it seems I am on this roller coaster going no where.  I am getting no where.   

I was involved in ministry.  And now I'm not. 

I have been trying so hard to find a job.  I've prayed about it.  I've cried about it. 

There are times that God just seems so quiet. 

I am searching answers and I feel alone. 

Inspirational Images

I know he's there.  I know that even though I am on this long lonely road that he's there.
He's keeping me safe.  He's providing. 

And there are times that all I can is trust and

have Faith.  And seek him.  And even though I cry out to him and it seems he's not there I know he is.
And I have to tell him I am sorry for doubting. 

It's a slow process but I am trusting and I am waiting for an open door.   

Trusting along the Journey


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