
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Let's Chat

                         Coffee Chat

Maybe over coffee or Dr. Pepper in my case!

How was your weekend?  I missed posting and visiting here.

I was spending some time with my mother and I was learning  free motion quilting. 

I am hooked!

I love the Monday  Linky's.  Simple Woman's Day Book . . . a bunch of ladies sharing what's on their mind, plans for the week etc.

And then there is a new one I saw at Denise's Front Porch Chat's.
Sounds like fun. 

Sort a like the old days when I lived in a neighborhood and all the mom's got together while the kids were at school. 

I miss those old days. 

Are there days or seasons you miss? 

I love our new neighborhood here on the inter-net.     I think it is amazing all the ladies I get to meet. 

So do you have plans for the week? 

I only have one thing planned.  I have another birthday quilt to finish! 

Hope your week is filled with filled with great plans and you accomplish all you have on your list! 

Thanks for chatting!


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