
Friday, March 1, 2013

5 Minute Friday

Joining Lisa-Jo and talking about Ordinary 

5 Minute Friday is a link up where Lisa-Jo gives the prompt and then we write for 5 Minutes.  Set a timer and write.  Just what comes to mind.  Just what God puts on your heart.  No second guessing, no back tracking, no editing.  Just freedom. 

Here goes . . .


I'm just an Ordinary girl.  Going through my old almost boring to some people Ordinary day.  But to me it is extra Ordinary.  I love my life.  God put a spirit in my soul to be just Ordinary me.   Just an Ordinary mom and wife.  An Ordinary keeper of the home.  But if I think about it there is
nothing Ordinary about being a keeper of the home.  Many years later after my kids have grown and started families of their own I look back and I see there is nothing Ordinary.  And so I give myself a title.  The title of CHO Chief Home Officer or Organizer depending on the situation.  Looking at that title there is nothing Ordinary about it.  I love my little ordinary days.  I love that I am able to stay at home and be a helpmate to my ordinary 'ole Cowboy Preacher.  Ordinary is good.  Ordinary one day becomes Extraordinary!  Just wait you'll see . . .

Loving My Ordinary Journey


Linking with Lisa-Jo.  Click Here


  1. What an encouraging word for mamas this morning! Thank you, Sherry. Yes, what extraordinary in this building up the future generations, preparing them for their eternal futures! (And I love that you've given yourself a title worthy of the task. :) ) So happy to have found you through FMF this morning.

  2. My sweet friend, you are far from ordinary. I love you.

  3. Popped by to check out those blue slippers. I love your writing style...nothing ORDINARY about it or you! am now following.

  4. Nothing ordinary about you Sherry. Came for a visit from Tales of the Reborn Crafter


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