
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Orange and On Line Friends

I have been seeing Orange today . . .

Spice and Clementine Rinds
Simmering in a pot of water
 Orange Peels -Cinnamon Sticks - Whole Cloves- Nutmeg
The house smells like Christmas!

This fabric beckons me. 

I tried to use it for another purpose.
It sits on the shelf and it calls to me.

There must be more Orange.  I have to think of something else.

A Favorite Decorative Item

It continues to beckon so why not play around with it just a little

Now that's kind of fun.  But there is more to think about than Orange. 

How about On Line Friends . . .


Are you seeing a little bit of an "O" theme going along here.

Thats because I am joining Jenny again today and today is the letter "O".

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope your day isn't

Ordinary. . . Journeying Joyfully

Linking with Jenny for

Jenny Matlock

Click Here



  1. ooh, those oranges and cloves look like christmas <3

  2. Perfect combination of "O" words! Thanks for the share!

  3. Looks like you are all set for a month of orange fun.

  4. Great O words! Have fun playing with orange in your wonderful smelling house!

  5. I'm putting on the boiling water right now! I need a little Christmas today!

  6. I love your "o" words. Online friends are the most fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower and so happy to be here.

  7. I love the smell of oranges and cloves... and those little oranges called Cuties!

  8. Orange and cinnamon, good.
    Orange and chocolate, great!

  9. I used to have a delicious recipe for an outrageously delicious orange and chocolate mousse.

    I may have to dig that out!

    Thanks for a delicious link for the letter 'O'.



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