
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Frugal Mantle Redo and Inspiration

Thursday with Katherine favorite Pinterest Pics . . .

It all started when I redid the mantle for The Romantic Valentine's Day Dinner plans. 

                           Click Here to Read about The Story

Then last week after the big day I started taking everything down and started redoing the mantle.

I wasn't finished when The Cowboy came in and stated every so Cowboyishly . . . "It's Naked". 

And so the Red Boa from said RVD got plunked back into the middle of the mantle.  With a gigle from me!

But!  I wasn't through!  I had some grand ideas.  

I bet you want to see the mantle now.  HeHe sorry you have to wait to see some inspiration shots.  (is that underline still there?  I have no idea where it came from and I can't get rid of it!)

If you can't wait go ahead and go way to the end past these awesome and amazing much better than mine ever could be mantles . . .

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This one intrigues me.  I love all the gold.  I have heard Gold is in this year.  Have you heard that.
I think this amazing mantle would be so easy pull off with a few changes . . . stay posted for my
Mantle Knock off coming soon!

And then there was this one.....I am not sure which one to do first!
Owls, Feather, Vintage Door
I love all the different size gilded frames.   And the so very cool door!  What a great idea to
lay it on it's side.  Although my space is actually tall enough to stand on it's end.  (which btw is a
bit of a challenge)   This one is a fall look and I love the feathers and books but I am thinking something woodsy looking for spring.  Maybe toss in some bird nests and eggs instead of the

Hmmm whoot knows? 

And next I just had to share this because it is just so way cool.  I have no idea why I never thought of this! 

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I actually think both fans are amazing.  I so wish I had one in a room that I could do this with.
These are done with mod podge and fabric.  But I bet 'ole fashion wll no not 'ole fashion New fashion
duct tape would work too! 

Speaking of duct tape.  I have a really cool project that I will reveal on Tuesday.  I know the suspense is killing you!    Sorry you'll have to wait. 

But here's the mantle in all it's boa glory!

The mantle designed by a Cowboy.  Yeh Haw!

Thanks for coming by today and joining me on a

Joyfully  Journey(ing)

Linking with some great friends today stop over and visit!
thursday favorite things 
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  1. Well now I guess I need to redo my mantle this weekend! You've inspired me...

  2. Wish I had that red boa...lots of decorating ideas spring to mind♫ Here's my N effort:

  3. And what makes it truly that the Cowboy notices and cares. There are sooo many women who would love that. I love that you have room for a lamp on your mantel too!

  4. Mod Podge is just so popular! The fans look great, and I was laughing at your comment about the underline not going away. I have stuff like that happen from time to time too. Mysteries. :)

    Visiting today from Thursday's Favorite Things.

  5. I wish I had a mantle....oh the things I could do with it!

    I really like the ceiling fan designs - very cool.

    I'm stopping by to say 'hi' from Katherine's Favorite Things Thursday - better late than never.

  6. What a festive mantel, thanks for sharing at the Cabin


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