
Friday, February 22, 2013

5 Minute Friday Reflections on Mother

Joining the Friday regulars and writing for 5 minutes with only
a prompt.  No editing, no backtracking just writing.

Here goes. . .
Start What Mama Did . . . Mama  I don't ever remember I
time that I didn't call her Mother.  What mother did was love our daddy.  Mother went to work when I was in elementary.  I remember walking home from school alone (it was the 60's) and coming into an empty house.  But that empty house smelled like hot fresh popcorn.  We had a gas oven with a pilot light.  Mother always popped me (no microwave) popcorn and left it for me.
I don't remember if there was a Dr. Pepper waiting to but probably!
She also had the meat for our dinner staying warm in the oven. 
I was cooking our dinner way before I was probably old enough.  At least getting the vegetable and a salad read and filling glasses with tea.  Milk was only served with cereal at breakfast. 
Mother always seemed to have lunch ready on Sunday when we walked into the house.  It was usually pot roast.  But what I can't figure out is how she had fried chicken ready.  I think that one I must have fantazied.  I keep trying to remember to ask a sib about that. I was the youngest when Mother went to work my older sister was already in college and working and didn't spend much time at home but my older brother was still home he probably helped with meals until he started working.  But once they both were working it was just me and our Daddy for dinner.  Mother didn't drive and still doesn't.  (I sore subject with all of us.)  Mother also didn't ride on the freeway.   It wasn't until I started driving that she was forced to get on the freeway.  She learned that there was a big 'ole world out there full of stores and resturants.  And she decided she would enjoy it.  And now some many, many years later she even rides in a bus with a bunch of neighbors to WinStar.  Hello?  What is up with that Mother gambling?  She doesn't think it's gambling they give her $30.00 free money.  She plays the nickle slots!
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Five Minute Friday
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  1. backtracking and no editing? You did great! I would have made a lot of mistakes and would have been hitting that spell check can tell I use spell check when I make comments because there is no spell check on here! Your mom sounds like a hard worker, like mine was.

    One question...can they TELL if you backtrack or go more than 5 minutes, or do they use the honor system?

  2. Such good remembrances!

    @ Leave it to Davis... It's on the honor. No backtracking just means no re-write. when I post... I self correct with the delete button as I type. It's a habit I can't break. But when the 5 minutes are up. I Stop. No backtracking.

  3. Very sweet post. I miss my mom so much, she has been gone 7 years this april.

  4. Your story is wonderful and brings back so many of the same memories that I have tucked away. We had pot roast every Sunday at noon after church. My mother was a teacher and she would have dinner in the oven set to come on before she got home. Love your story!!! So glad you liked the English Muffin recipe. Let me know how yours turn out!

  5. Very nice post about your Mother ... I've tried to come up with something for 5 Minute Friday, but have never taken the plunge and actually published anything. Great Job!
    xo Geneva

  6. It's hard to look back sometimes... and sift through the memories and try to put words to the feelings that rise up in our hearts and throats... and then suddenly there is a clearing and we see things for what they REALLY were... a mother who had to work but found the ways that she could to tell her daughter, "I love you" - though popcorn and meals and the thoughtfulness that maybe felt special then... but means something so much more now. Thanks for sharing your story.

  7. My in-laws gamble ALL of the time, lol
    They get free money to playwith too.

    My mom never drove, still doesn't... :)


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