
Monday, February 25, 2013

Scavenger Hunt-Mosaic-Masterpiece

Let's go on a scavenger hunt - they are such fun.
               Joining Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  Today I am taking a stroll down memory lane. 
     Each of the photo's below found on google images brought back many memories for me.

Clues for today are

Time To Eat
                        It's a lot of work taking care of a horse.  
                           They eat and lot's of hay and grain.
                                            And a few carrots.

Getting Ready

Every weekend there is a Rodeo or a Playday to go to.

A Play Day is a Rodeo like event for the family.
There are events for every age division.
A great way to spend the day with the family.

Sweet Dreams


It can be a really long day for the littlest Buckaroo's.  But that's ok they can find lots of places for a power nap.

After a long day of horsing around it's nice to
take a loooong soak in the tub
Happy Trails

Scavenger Hunt Sunday        Boogieboard Cottage
Linking with Ashley             Linking with Mary               Linking with the other Mary
Click  Here                               Click Here                               Click Here 


  1. Oh, I just love the horses and children!!! Wonderful interpretations!

  2. Oh how fun are these and horses...perfect combination!!

  3. Such fun pictures. The little boy and the pony was just darling.

  4. Wow! I loved all of these pictures!

    Thanks for sharing this smile!


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