
Monday, February 25, 2013

Blue Monday--Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time there was a little boy all dressed in his favorite. 
His favorite color of Blue Denim . . .

puppy love
He walks along a beautiful beach with his faithful companion by his side.  And he remembers . . .

summer vacation . . .

a tired calf  
Riding along with his uncle (dressed in Blue of course)
boots and old truck

He remembered the old blue pick up he actually got to drive it out in the big 'ole field behind the house.  He had to promise not to tell his mama.


He remembered watchin' even little kids ride and ride

Rodeo future 
And they all sat on the fence and watched the Cowboys. 

And every day he walks along the beach and he counts down the days till summer vacation!

And when summer arrives the story will end happily ever after.

Are you dreaming of summer vacation?  Where would you?
Happy Blue Monday  Trails

Linking with Sally for Blue Monday.  Click Here


  1. I've never vacationed on a ranch, but this sure looks compelling. I like boy blue!

    Have a good Blue Monday, Sherry.

    PS: As soon as I leave this comment, I'll fix your link.

  2. Love them all, but the silhouette at the, just wow!

  3. A vacation in a ranch is a great idea.

    Catching up with Blue Monday!
    Feeling BLUE?
    Your comment is always appreciated.


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