
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More Than a Friend (speed posting today)

Please join me.
This is a speedy post. Blogger didn't work last night. I am off to the food bank and the halfway house.
Peggy left me a sweet Blessing. Here it is

"Hi Sherry,
Have a good night's rest! And it's OK! REAL comes before VIRTUAL! But I do believe the enemy is at work too! It's all right! I just saw a second ago that Blogger wasn't working!I was trying to leave a comment! Then I tried to add more to my FRIENDSHIP post. Then I figured it out...that it's the power outage...thing...but they said 10 minutes...
Pleasant dreams! God bless! May He go with you in the morning! May you awaken fresh & filled! Have a pleasant day! Food bank be filled also, Lord! Bless Sherry this day as she serves You & Your kingdom!
In Christ, Peggy"

Please join me even though I didn't get Mr. Linky. Just leave a comment and I'll come over and read your post and I'll make my own list tonight.
Don't forget Wordfilled Wednesday at Amy's it will knock your socks of go see her at



  1. Ok, I'm up! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!!

  2. great post Sherry! it was neat to read about you and your friend! While I'm slowing down on memes I'll be praying this one kicks off for you!


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