
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More Than a Friend and Wordfilled Wednesday

Amy is the wonderful host of Wordfilled Wednesday and always supplies me with a beautiful illustration of God's word. This verse spoke to me today because it really confirmed to me the calling he is giving me. Please visit Amy.

I am home from the foodbank and now determined to get my More Than a Friend post done for today. I mentioned earlier if you checked it that I think this project was doomed today. But God has really placed it on my heart to do this meme each week and so I continue. I hope you decide to join. It isn't too late because I am extending it. I'll be posting the new rules later tonight along with a photo of the prize for a drawing next Wednesday.
But before all that stuff here's my post for today.
Below is a photo of me with one of my besttest friends! I am on the left and Jacque is on the right.

This photo was taken at the first craft sale that our ministry hosted. My dear sweet friend traveled two hours to come and support our work. She brought a friend with her too. I met Jacque when my daughter was in 2nd grade.(she is now 26) We met at the first quilt class that I ever attended. The quilt ended up being the worst project I ever started but that is another story. Jacque told me later that the first day she thought to herself "I want to meet her'.(referring to me) When she told me this I thought she was nuts! We became fast friends and began quilting together and shopping for fabric. We were part of a group of about 10 ladies that stayed together for a couple of years but the others finally drifted off but Jacque and I stayed friends. 9 years later our family moved to Colorado. That is when I learned to email! I had to find a way to communicate with my friends and family. Thinking back I can't hardly imagine not emailing.
We have been dear friends all these years. I am now back in my home state of Texas. And I live about an hour away from her. I miss her because we both have different activities going on. I miss her because there were many times that she indeed was the person that got on her knees for me. And she was the person that listened when I bellyached.
I hope that if you have a special friend. A blogger or not that you will share her with us. It is a Blessing to me to remember Jacque and maybe you have an old friend that comes to your mind today.

Below is a bouquet that I would love for you to pass on to your friend. (Sorry I don't know how to make a fancy button but you can just cut and paste this into your post)

I am passing it on to Carla
Carla started visiting my blog awhile back and went over to check her out. And found out she is also a Texan! Today even though I had a hard time getting this post done and didn't even get Mr. Linky up Carla went ahead and wrote her More Than a Friend post. Thank you Carla because today you were a true friend.

I loved the verse Amy shared today. Whenever trouble comes your way let it be an opportunity for joy.

For when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow.

So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed you will be strong in character

and ready for anything. If you need wisdom - if you want to know what God wants you to do

ask him and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking.

James 1:2-6 ~ The Message


  1. What a sweet post, I loved it :)
    Sounds like you have a wonderful friend.


  2. Such a sweet tribute to your friend, blessings to you both.

  3. Isn't it great to have good friends! I saw that you were doing this after I posted about a dear friend yesterday. I updated it and added your info. Thanks for doing this! It is a great idea!

  4. Thank you for the flower button! I love flowers (especially ones that will never die). How blessed to have a friend that will 'get on her knees' for you! Breathtaking! Thank you for sharing today, Sherry!


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