
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Character Guest Post feat. Charlie Murder Next Door Great Escapes Book Tours


1.Hello Charlie thank you for visiting the blog today. Have you ever visited a blog before?

Thank you for having me! Yes, I have visited blogs and I’m finding I enjoy them. I don’t use the Internet much (I’m solving mysteries in the 1990s and computers are still pretty new; however, I DID just get an answering machine) but once I got the hang of what a blog was, I’ve been having a blast.

2. Since we're meeting for the first of time can we you tell my blog friends a little too about yourself?

I’m Charlie Kingsley, and I operate a tea and tincture business out of my home in Redemption, Wisconsin. I didn’t mean to get into crime solving but I’ve discovered I have a knack for it. (Which is a good thing because my clients have a knack for getting into trouble and needing those particular talents).

3. I have never been to Wisconsin. Can you tell us a little about your town.

Redemption is a haunted town. Back in 1888, all the adults disappeared, leaving only the children, and no one know what happened to them. Since then, there have been many strange things that have occurred in Redemption—disappearances, hauntings, mysteries and of course, murders.

My author likes to say there is a light and a dark side to Redemption. The dark side is the psychological suspense series called Secrets of Redemption. It’s actually the original series that started it all. The light side is The Charlie Kingsley Mysteries, which are cozies. All the books in both series are both clean and twisty. 

4. I am from the South and we drink Ice Tea most year round. Unless of course it is super cold we switch to Hot Tea or my favorite Hot Chocolate.

Do ya'll ( that's Southern for You all) just drink hot tea around your parts? 

I’ve seen that, especially when I make the rounds on my blog tour, that ice tea is pretty popular. In 1990, everyone I knew drank soda (I myself drink Coke when it’s too hot for tea). I tried once making an ice tea out of my tea, but it didn’t turn out at all. I might have to mess around more with the recipes. 

5. I have to ask you how did you become a character in a book? 

Well, it all started about 25 years ago, when my author Michele first got the idea for a It Began With a Lie (the first book in the original series). I was the “dead aunt” who had willed her niece my house in Redemption. I definitely had my work cut out for me to get Michele’s attention. (Did I mention these aren’t paranormal books?) After the first three books, Michele realized she needed to write the prologue and tell my story about how I came to Redemption. She thought it was over at that point, so it took a little more work for her to realize there were more stories that needed to be told. But eventually she came around and here we are. 

6. Is it hard 'kind if being told what to do'?  

I wouldn’t know as I’m the one telling Michele what needs to happen next. It took awhile to get her trained but she’s getting better.

7. I think I would 'liken it's to being an actress. How would you feel about being an actress with fame and fortune? 

Oh no. Not for me. The less attention, the better. I don’t even particularly like everyone in Redemption talking about my sleuthing skills. It’s better for everyone if I keep a low profile (even though that never seems to happen). But I have way too many skeletons in my closet to be comfortable with fame. 

8. Your book/series is said to be a Cozy Mystery. Most Cozy include a pet of some kind. Do you have a pet? 

I do. A black cat called Midnight. He came with the house and he’s definitely not going anywhere.

9. Is solving crimes fun or do you feel like you need a vacation? 

Don’t tell anyone but I do like solving crimes.. Plus I have a soft spot for helping people. But I just I just know that one day it’s going to catch up to me.

10. Let's pretend you got the chance to go anywhere in the world for your next book where would you go? 

Now that you say it, I think one day I wouldn’t mind going on a cruise. That would be fun. And if I got to solve a crime on a boat, well, what’s not to love?

Michele PW (Pariza Wacek)

Bestselling, Award-Winning Author


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