
Friday, November 12, 2021

Foodie Friday


Since the time change we can't  have Pizza Picnic so we decided  to try a new Restaurant.  

We went to the downtown  location of Shrimp and Stuff. 

Oy my goodness! Check out what we ate . . . 

In the front is what they call 
Layered Shrimp  Salad.  Oh my gosh!  This is a small portion on the Happy  Hour menu.  The bottom  green layer is Avacado.  
I am sorry  I keep saying it but! Oh my gosh.   So. So. Good!
Fried Calamari.   Perfectly crispy!  Small pieces that weren't chewy. 
Yummy Onion Rings 
And a better shot of the Shrimp.  We also had Fried Crab Claws (in the top picture) 

We have found a new favorite place to eat! 

They advertised  on FB they have Crawfish Tamales we ordered  1/2 dozen to take home

The Tamales  were served with Crawfish Ettoufe as a sauce.  I made Spanish Rice. 

One morning  we had some yummy Pancakes, Bacon and Raspberries.   No Syrup in the house so I put Brown Sugar on the Cowboys. 

Halibut with Alfredo Fettuccine  and Steamed Brocolli.  I had 2 Shrimp  leftover so I put them on top with crumbled Bacon.

A simple pan of Nachos we had after . . . 

Fresh Tuna, Raspberries  and Carrots 

I love it when the Cowboy is feeling good and I can be creative  and serve good food!  

Tonight we will be having a Strip Steak, Asparagus  and Potatoes.  I am thinking of Mashing them and making Mushroom  Gravy.    

We'll see! 

Thanks for stopping  in.

See you soon! 

Linking at 

The Fabulous Party 

and the regular parties 

Have A Sparkly Day!

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