
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Happy Homemaker In Texas

 Good Morning.  

Welcome to my Saturday feature

I will be joining Sandra for  her party.  She provides the prompts.  Sometimes I add my own too. HeHe

The Prompts . . . 

The weather . . .

Gorgeous this week. The coldest will be 42. Most days mid 50' and getting up to upper 70's!

I am wearing . . .

My baggy pants over shorts.  Just came in from outside.  I just watered and always get wet. I also have on a tank. 

On the breakfast plate . . .

The Cowboy is having a late morning. I ate a few Scrambled Eggs earlier with dogs.  

Something fun to share . . . 

Looking for bloggers in Mississippi and Louisiana to guest post. PM me or send me an email. 

The Fabulous Party . . .

This one caught my eye.  Looks and sounds so yummy.  

This is copy cat Ruby Tuesday Mashed Cauliflower it is found over at.   I love the name of her blog Cook Clean then Repeat.  Some people are so creative!  Click Here.

The Fabulous Party is open all week.  It changes on Sunday morning.  Come over and link your family friendly posts any day any time.  No waiting and searching  for the correct day.  Let's Party.

What I am reading . . .

For tours/On my Reading pile . . .

Two new to me authors.  I am getting lots of new offers.

In the Studio . . . 

Mostly Quilting.  I want to get this one done to hang with my Christmas Tree🌲 collection.

Making P.J.'s for my daughter.  She is at the end of pregnancy and needing roomy comfy pants for staying home.

On my To Do List . . . 

I noticed finger prints on a couple doors.  Need to clean them all.  All the doors are white.

Probably need to do the cabinet doors too.

Vacuum, Sweep and mop.  The joy of no carpet.

Time to set a pretty stable. I have done a table scape post since my Tea Party.  Did you see that post? Click  Here to read The After Party post.

My Ta Da' moment . . .

Hmm.  Have to think on that one a bit.

On the menu . . .


Beef Stew and Biscuits


Oven Baked Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread


The 🤠 Cowboys Birthday


Chicken &Noodles. Green Beans 


Surprise.  We get paid this week so will go shopping.

From the camera


Linking with

Linking at my regular parties

List below and on previous posts



  1. mashed cauliflower is a favorite of mine - hope you have a great week!

  2. Hope the cowboy is having a happy birthday! Books sound interesting. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!


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