
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Happy Homemaker in Texas

Hello and Welcome to Happy Homemaker in Texas . . . 
The day I join Sandra @ Family Corner    she provides the prompts most times I had a few of my own

I can't decide. 
Which one do you like best?

 The weather
 Expected to be nice this week I think the high is going to be Friday 98 currently it's 90 and it's there's a cool breeze I'm sitting outside enjoying the break-in the dog days of summer

 On the breakfast plate nothing yet got up early and mowed the front yard just fed the dogs relaxing and actually posting this on my phone I'm thinking a light brunch of fried eggs hash browns and a Sausage Patty

 My current view replacing outside the window
On the reading pile

 On The To Do List
 The list that keeps getting longer before it gets shorter still trying organize the books on the bookshelves and make room for more 
...this should be number one fall planting I need to get some fall cucumbers and green beans going this week need to get cabbage and spinach and broccoli going soon

Chore I am not looking forward to
Folding laundry and putting away.  I am trying to come up with a method that will help me keep the clean laundry basket empty.

To relax this week
I am going to try to spend more time running my sewing machine.  Whether I am sewing paper crafts or making quilt projects time sitting at my machine relaxes me.

On the menu 
Monday Chicken & Dumplings Cracker Barrel style 
AKA a small bowl of leftovers with fresh veggies of the day
Tuesday Pulled Pork (leftovers from the freezer) topped Baked Potato's, Mixed Green Salad
Wednesday Cajun Alfredo Pasta, Salad and Garlic Bread
Thursday Chicken Taquitos, Beans and Spanish Rice
Friday Rotel Sausage Quiche, Fresh Veggies of the day

A new recipe I tried 
and it was so good!  We had gotten a few Banana Peppers and the food pantry this week.  My only experience was when both our moms just  served them raw.  But this modern day MaMa GrandMa googled and found a great recipe over here/ here

A recipe I want to try

In the crafting/sewing room
Sewing finishing items for Sunflower Tea Party
Getting back to the Modern Christmas quilt I started last year.  This is the pattern and inspiration

Sewing bits and pieces for Embellishments in Junk Journals
Paper and Glue
Working on Dog Days od Summer Junk Journal
Bible Journaling/Scripture
Making a Bullet Journal this month with my FB group


Thanks for stopping in.  Wishing you a wonderfully Blessed week!

I am linking with my regular parties some of the buttons may be on the bottom of the page

New Link Party

Penny's Passion: Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop - July 8, 2020
Over here at Penny's Passion 

Saturday Link-Ups - My Joy-Filled Life


  1. The zucchini recipe sounds so yummy!

  2. I also struggle with keeping the clean clothes basket empty. On my list today, fold and put away all the clean clothes. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Your menu looks yummy!! Happy Monday!


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