
Saturday, June 6, 2020

In The Crafting Room SWAPS Sending & Received

Hello and Welcome!  I have been busy playing with paper, fabric, stickers and glue.

I am in several SWAP groups and I have been busy creating.

First I am sharing a few pics of a Mini Junk Journal I received.

The papers my partner used were so pretty.  Our instructions were to Create something using 3 12x12"
papers, The only requirement was to use all the papers.
Which meant using tiny pieces we cut off during the process.  In this pic.  you can small strips tucked into a pocket.
My partner made lots of pretty tags for journaling on.
Flowers and lace created texture.  The part at the bottom that looks like lace is actually printed on the paper.
It is common to use torn pieces of sheet music

I love SWAPping and receiving the pretty things folks send me.  It is fun to see how each person incorporates their style.

For another SWAP we were to make 1 Journal page.  Each page was to have a front and back making it 4 pages total.  Here's what I created from my partners 

I was excited when my partner asked for a beach theme. 
This was during the time when stores were closed.  But that was o.k. because I had just what I needed.

One requirements was to make 2 tags with a paper clip and a dangle.  We were directed to watch a video for 
instructions.  The fish charm I took off another Junk Journal I received.  I hated to 'snatch it' but it was perfect for this project.
This is the second tab with a beads hanging from the paperclip. The shell looking beads I cut off a necklace my daughter abandoned.  They looked like shells to me so they fit the theme.
I hope you can see this well enough.  It is my favorite part.  I made the sea horse from a paper plate.  I painted it then cut it out to make a tuck spot (another requirement) I tucked the shell journaling card in.
On the lower left is Sea Horse sticker I found at Dollar Tree.  Thankfully all our stores are open again!
I always include something I have sewn.  I layered a snippet of frayed burlap under a strip of pieced fabric.
Can you see the tiny white dot on the left? I had tucked it under the Sea Horse and the glue was not dry.  I  fixed it though by adding some blue baubles.
This is the back you can see the tear better.  My plan is to add a few of the beads from the necklace to cover my mistake.

Another requirement was to make a fold down notebook. I will replace the paperclip with the one I made that is still drying.

I am sorry I am not sharing the completed project.  I am on a deadline and need to get it in the mail tomorrow.

This is the inside of the notebook.  I cut different sizes of stined and painted papers then added the beach theme words.
On the back; the last page I made a 4 tier pocket by folding a piece of paper.  I tucked journaling cards in the pockects.

I was cutting some pictures from a magazine for another project and found this advertisement.  The picture was perfect so I glued it to cardstock and added lined paper to the back.

He you can see the tiers in the pocket.  This is a great way to add space for journaling cards.

I had a super fun time creating the Junk Journal page.
I liked it so much I am going to make a similar one for myself.

I hope my SWAP partner likes it!

Thanks for stopping in.  I try to post everday so come by often so you don't miss anything!

Here are a few parties I like to join
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