
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

If I Had a Tea Cup . . .

I am posting late today because I am in the crafting room trying to create and organize and redecorate my room.  I moved a few pieces that had migrated to others areas and this post from 2017 came to mind.  I hope you enjoy visiting my Tea Party 

If I Had A Tea Cup. . . (A Let's Pretend Tea Party)

. . . I would have a tea party.
I would invite a few friends . . .  One would bring tea
One will dress up really pretty with a hat and wear Pearls and bring cookies of course

I'll ask my friend from the library to bring a few books to enjoy

I'll set the tea cart with grandma's pretty glass dishes and pretty pink napkins . And ask my friends to pick some flowers from the garden Oh no we dropped some flower petals we must sweep before the party! . . .
And then we will be all ready for
The Fairy Princesses (in pink) to come in to our party. 
We'll eat cookies and drink tea.  And visit with our friends.
And then we will read one last book.
The very best one!
And as the fairy princess's (in pink) nod off. Because it's been a very busy morning they'll be dreaming about . . . 
Many more adventures and their next tea party.  
Can you guess who they are inviting?

Thank you for visiting my Let's Pretend Tea Party.  All photo's are taken by me.  All prop's are family heirlooms.  The photo's of the fairy princess are actually only one princess.  Who has grown up way too fast.  

Have A Blessed Day

I'll be linking my posts this week at these parties.


  1. Sherry, I enjoyed your imaginary tea party and have added those children's books to my look-for-this-book list!

  2. Thanks for sharing your sweet tea party with us today!

  3. Super Cute!! I really enjoyed this :0)


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