
Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather
We finally have had a few days of nice pretty weather.  My husband even went out with the dogs on Sunday. 
This week very cool mornings but pleasant afternoons in the 70's. 

Outside my window
Gorgeous sunshine.  And weeds.  Ick.

What I am wearing
My regular morning gardening clothes to take the dogs out and a bit of tidying.  About to change for work black pants and a t-shirt.

Looking  Hearing around the house
I giggle.  Snoring dogs.  

On my reading pile
Actually nothing.  I haven't been reading lately.  Only when 
a good book pops up for my phone.  I just finished some good ones that I've reviewed over at My Reading Journeys.

A chore I dread this week
I haven't seen this prompt from Sandra before...but I have a couple chores I am not excited about.  With my husbands illness we are having to seek help with bills etc.  It is a very difficult time.  We have his first specialist appointment on Tues.  I hope we get some answers and referrals for resources.

To relax this week I will . . . 
Pray.  My mind is a whirl wind.  I will also try to craft. 

From the camera
Before he was ill

Have a Blessed Week


  1. We will keep you and your hubby in our thoughts and prayers♥

  2. Your weather sounds wonderful. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers as you navigate this journey. Have a GREAT week.

  3. I'm sorry to hear your husband is not well, I sure hope he feels better soon. Have a blessed week!

  4. Hoping you will find answers for your husband. Wishing you a great week.

  5. I go through spells where the only books I read are the ones popping up on my phone. Prayers that you get some answers and help regarding your husbands' illness. Have a wonderful week!

  6. I hope you have a beautiful, quiet week.


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