
Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sunday Supper-A Repost-Why?

Today I am sharing with you a repost and a little about my plans for tomorrow night. 
First the plans and why this particular repost is significant. 

First I have to admit I have a thing for table linens, dish towels, napkins and table scapes. 
I am totally not over the top nor am I fancy.  I am more into vintage than fancy. 

I have always used cloth napkins to set our table on a daily basis.. Not because I am trying to be fancy.  I just think they are frugal.  I always thought why buy paper. 

Well tonight.  Our table is set with a vintage table cloth.  My pottery.  A crystal vase with flowers.  
And guess what? 
Paper napkins.  The thing is they are the pretty ones and they actually go with my color scheme.   

I will write a post during the week about our little dinner party. 
I hope you'll enjoy it. 
Until then here is my repost. 

This towel was made by mother many years ago. It is actually hand applique. I don't think my mother ever did anything like this again. She was never a quilter. 
And stopped sewing when I was in elementary school. She began working full time. 
I began cooking the evening meal at our house when I was in 5th grade. My mother worked at Montgomery Wards at night. She would cook the meat and leave in the oven and I was responsible for the rest. I was even allowed to choose the vegtables. 
Which BTW was rather funny because once I learned to cook frozen peas and liked them I cooked them a couple of times a week!
Here is another towel that I purchased on Ebay
Can you guess why? Yes the donkey. I love anything that has donkeys on it. I love both of these towels. They are displayed on my kitchen counter. They are called "no no" towels. Cowboy isn't allowed to touch! Do you have a man that spills tomato sauce and grabs a white towel to clean it up? I mean this man drives me crazy there can be a red towel and a white towel on the counter and which one does he pick up.  The white of course! 

Back to I am totally expecting my daughter to gasp when she sees the paper napkins.  I'll have the camera ready to catch her expression. 

Thanks for visiting.
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday Supper

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