
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Super Silly Then And Now . . .

It is a cool and rainy day here in North Texas.  Not what you think of Spring for sure.
Storms are predicted for the rest of the week.   We are thankful for the rain!
Since I couldn't share the post I planned (photos of my garden)  I thought I share something fun to brighten your day.
It brightened mine to take these . . .
My grandson was acting super silly in this  old clown costume.  I had to take a pic.  Although none are very good my daughter and I are both distracted she is doing my nails.
This is the perfect thing to wear Now today in case we end up with 'high water'!

Clown 2:       Little Clown 3:
Our daughter had hosted a pumpkin carving party for his little friends.
It was just as hard then to get a good shot.  Look at the legs of the clown costume.  Dragging the floor.
Another then shot . . .
Clown 1:

And Now more super silly . . .

I love the look on my daughters face.  And don't you just love the head band.  I tried one on but I just
couldn't pull off the look.
Sometimes he's agreeable to standing still for a shot.  Most times not.

Let's end with a happier face though . . .
He can smile.  Looks like a different kid!  I took this last Wednesday when were planting a few veggies.
Carrots, green beans and cucumbers because he will eat them.  Tomatoes and squash to try and encourage
and some lettuce too!

So on a rainy day when you can't get good shots of the veggie's check out your archives for super silly photo's!

Do you have any super silly photo's to share?

Linking with Jenny at Warm Heart Wednesday.

                                            Have a Super Silly Day!


  1. These are some great, family photos!

  2. Well, they are shut in today. Might had we'll be silly. The clown suit was a little short legged but he still got into it.
    We have missed a lot of what Houston has had. Right now it is thundering and lightening and RAINING hard. It is supposed to rain a lot tonight.

  3. Lots of cuties to 'warm the heart' ~ fun shots!

    Happy Weekend coming to you ~ ^_^

  4. In our part of Houston we didn't have as much rain as they predicted. The sun came out this afternoon. I guess you're expecting flooding?

    I love the clown costume and the look on his face. Enjoy your manicure.

  5. I think I would love a super silly outfit like that to wear. Maybe a skirt rather than pants. Hmmm. what if I were to wear it to my 45th class reunion in August. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  6. How fun! I think my son had the exact same clown costume when he was about a year old.

  7. I adore the "hug" photo! Joey used to like dressing up as a clown. AND I need to have MY nails done!!!

  8. Oh, that face.

    That sweet and cranky and smiling and silly face.

    I loved this post.

    Thank you for warming my heart for week 17.



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