
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

15 Minutes . . .

What can you accomplish in 15 minutes?  
Today I am joining The Loft and writing on the topic of Bible Study.
A few days ago I wrote about being tired.  I won't bore you with linking to that post.  It was rather whiney. 
But I do want to mention it.  I did write about being tired.  What I didn't mention is I miss Bible Study.  I'm so tired that I haven't taken the time to read my Bible. 
I am working on illustrated scripture.  And so I'm working on specific verses.  And looking up verses.  But actually sitting down and reading.  Has been on the back burner.  
Oh I am reading posts.  And listening to the local Christian Radio.
But Bible study.  I'm sad to say hasn't been a priority. 
Which is silly really.  Because I know that being involved in my Bible.; and being involved with Father God would definitely make every day easier.  
But.  I have no excuse.  Except. I'm tired.  Your probably thinking well why are you blogging.  Why are you visiting other bloggers. 
It simple really.  I want to encourage you.  
I could be spending 15 Minutes a day in a little short study.  And occasionally I do.  But not regularly.  
Can I take this moment to say.  "Do as I say. Not as I do."  
And, can I encourage you if your in a situation is similar to me to check out this wonderful short devotional.
This is the version I have.  I love this devotional.  There have been a few reprints.  

This is the current version it is available at Amazon.  And I'm sure at all the other retailers.  
I kind of have to giggle because I remember when I bought mine back in the day before Amazon.  I bought mine at our local grocery story.  
The world is different 'now a days' there is even a Kindle version.  
So really. We have no 'real' excuse not to get into a Bible Study.
Except . . . 
Tired. Because I have an idea that a lot of you are tired.  
But.  Can I encourage you. To spend just a few minutes whether in a 15 minute study.  Or just writing in a prayer journal.  Just a few minutes 'Being Still' can rejuvenate you and give you energy to get through the rest of your day and 'Warm Your Heart'

Linking with Warm Heart Wednesday at Jenny's

Linking with The Loft


  1. Nice, Grantham, that you are back to your daily Bible studies and prayer. Yes, it does make a difference. I need encourage rs like you to help me keeping at it. I think we sold that book way back, before Amazon. We had ten racks, five in Safeway stores and five more in other stores.
    I am trying an on-line devotional ap that I put on my iPad. Not real sure about it. I'm thinking "Our Daily Bread' would be better. I get thes booklets but give them to Mrs. Jim. I also follow our upcoming Sunday school lesson using Bible History commentary.
    I came from your link with Jenny's "Warm Hearts".

  2. Thank you for the advice. I had to laugh when you said, "Do as I say and not as i do." I often say that too.

  3. I enjoyed reading your post. I have a daily devotional called Streams in the desert. I really love it and am so happy Linda from Prairie Flower Farm told me about it. Have a great week and thanks for sharing.

  4. Hey, I hear you, I'm tired, too. However, I'm still going to commit to bible study more. I find that when I study something in the Word and realize something I've never seen before, I get excited - and I feel much better, too.

    Thanks for sharing at The Loft about this great bible study resource. I love Emilie Barnes and have some of her organizational books, but I haven't read this one. I will definitely check it out.

  5. I hope joining the Loft is the inspiration you need to get back to your Bible reading. Sorry, you are so tired that is not a good feeling!

  6. 15 minutes isn't really much to ask of ourselves to replenish our center. Thanks for the reminder.

  7. I agree that scripture study on a daily basis makes a huge difference in my life. Yet, like you, sometimes I do better than others. Isn't it silly to neglect something that brings such comfort and light? It seems to be human nature, but I am determined not to give in to it! Good luck to both of us.


  8. Hello! And thank you for linking up your post at The Loft for our topic of Bible study. It is so easy to get out of the habit of being in the Word. That time, however, is a lifeline for me....for grounding and centering and peace. Blessings to you.

  9. Thank you for your honesty! As a mom of two under 3, I know it is hard to get into study when you are tire, but I find that's when I need it most. Jesus wants us to take our weariness to Him and give us rest. I pray that God will give you rest as you draw near to Him. Thanks for sharing!

  10. First of all, I would NEVER think or say 'why are you blogging?'.

    I get it. I totally and completely get it.

    So often we know what we need to do but it feels really climbing a mountain and we don't have enough energy to climb over a tiny piece of gravel.

    I'm hoping that you find time to develop PEACE of heart, soul and mind every day.

    I work hard to remember to do this.

    And it does help.

    Your candid honesty and plan warmed my heart.

    And I thank you for that.



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