
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Collection Of Books

Welcome to a mini tour of my library . . .
I love a good book .   The Cowboy loves a good book.  We have lots and lots of books.

A few horse themed books sit on an antique library table in our living room.  The slant stand was made by the Cowboy in wood shop in High School.

A few more are stacked next to the computer.  a lamp sits on top.

We have a mini office area that has a shelf.  Part of the Cowboys collection of Civil War books sit among a few of his favorite things.

A few of our Bible collection sit on the bottom of our t.v stand . . .

Devotionals and children's story Bible.  I also have a collection of Department 56 Dickens villages.
I love the church's so they are displayed all years.  The rest of the collection is displayed at Christmas.

Another set of shelves in our bedroom hold a few of  the Cowboys Duck Decoys and a few of my journals
A few antique books .   In small spaces you have to search for different ways to store items.

More books on the fireplace mantle
A few Cookbooks rest on a vintage shelf atop the refrigerator . . .
A few more rest behind my collection of vintage Blue Mason jars
More cookbooks in the laundry room.

And many more sadly sit in boxes in storage.

 I love books so much that I even stacked a few and made a Christmas tree.

I love books so much I even have a virtual book shelf that sits on my sidebar.

I began a Shelfari shelf to organize the books that I've read.   The Cowboy picks up books for me at the library.  I sit at my computer look for books in the library catalogue and request them then The Cowboy
picks them up.

A couple of times I've accidentally requested books I've already read.  So the Shelfari helps me keep track.

I've never counted how many books we have.  I've always wanted a room filled with books.  I don't only have a room filled...I have a Cottage filled.

Do you have a lot of books?

Linking with Fluster Buster Creative Party
Linking with Wow Us Wednesday
Linking with Vintage Inspiraton
Linking with Dream, Create, Inspire
Linking with It's A Party
Linking with Share My Style
Linking with Treasure Hunt Thursday
Linking with Share Your Cup
Linking with Favorite Things


  1. I also have a small my books, too. My yesterdays post was about moving with my books. Nice photos....

  2. Nice collection!
    I could not imagine a life without books, sometimes will show my own library at my blog too...
    But a Christmas tree of books, that I call a great idea!
    Greetings from Germany

  3. I say surround you with the things you love and you have truly done that! I do love vintage cook books and I always pick up old books if they are red or aqua to use in my displays. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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