
Thursday, July 30, 2015

5 Minute Friday--

Try...The prompt.  Written in 5 min.
Start. . .
Do you ever feel like you just try so had and no matter what you do it's just not enough.  I think if we
were totally honest that we would have those feelings more than not.
At least I do.
I try to be what others want/expect/need.
I try to be what The Cowboy needs.
I try to be The Child of God that is expected.

But the truth is I am a Child of God.  I am what God wants and needs and hopefully expects.

Does God expect us to 'be' a certain way.  Without getting all theological with you.  I think he does.
I mean our nature is what it is.

I naturally try.

I try to please.

I try to help.

Sometimes I fail.  Many times I fail.  But, I try.

Linking with 5 Minute Friday 


  1. I'm right there with ya, friend. Many times I fail, but God offers much grace at every turn. Thanks for sharing! And have a great Friday! :)

  2. wonderful post. you are all you need to be, precious you. I love you.

  3. Our failures are why we have God to turn to! Have a good weekend.

  4. I'm so glad you mentioned that this is what God expects. He created us, and He's not surprised at our results!
    Great post!!
    (visiting from FMF at #4 this week)


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