
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pantry Storage/Ready For The Holidays/Making My Saturday Sweet

I'm getting ready for the Holidays . . .

Baking is on my agenda . . .

Before I start though I need to make sure my pantry is stocked. 
Lisa shares a great post on holiday baking.  Click Here.
Living in a small apartment can be a struggle for me.  I spend a lot of time rearranging and organizing to make things fit. 
It's hard to fit a lot in my pantry storage.  So I am making some changes with a little help.
This is something I have been wanting to do for awhile.
I found these amazing printable labels here!  I printed the black and white option.  This site includes a collection of flour,coffee, tea etc.; a collection of spices, and a collection of blank labels in the round option and rectangle option.
I have my new labels printed and ready to go!   So now I am off to organize that pantry and get ready for baking!
all photo's found on google images and Pinterest.  I have included links to the original photo's if possible.
Linking with Amanda for Sweet Saturday, Jess for Homemaking Monday, Here for
Fabulous Fall Holiday Party,Mama Katz for Front Porch Friday


  1. I picked up some spices and special things today...have a pumpkin crisp on the agenda!

  2. Yes all in my kitchen as well.

  3. Pretty labels and pretty jars! Thanks for linking on my weekend linky on Amanda's Books and More.


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