
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Who Walks Who? A view from our Walk/Drag!

While on our regular walk/drag I took a few pics.  The flower
beds are struggling a little in the triple digit heat here in Texas.

One pic of a new bed.  These plants and flowers are in a little better
shape than some of the others.  They were planted recently.
Outside our apartment complex the entrance to our Tom Thumb.
These vines just cover the pillars.  They stay really green. 
Good choice for the heat.

Returning back to the first bed here is a shot of the other side.
This was originally a putting green.  They changed it in the spring to a firepit.  I noticed a stray graham cracker the other day but I didn't have the camera.  I quess its getting some use.

Lastly this bed is by the office.  I think that is purslane on the border.  It's a little sad looking.  The impatients are sad too. I am not sure what the purple is. I think in the very back the bright green leaves are a hibiscus but it hasn't bloomed all summer so I am not sure. 

I love the area that I get to walk in.  It is one reason we both are struggling on what to do long term.  Stay here or move to something bigger and hopefully less expensive. 

We're discussing houses now!  I am so excited.
  Tips to Save for Your First Home - Krystal's Kitsch: Sanibel, Cape Coral, Florida Lifestyle Blogger
I am praying God will show us the right place and ease the Cowboys mind! 

Thanks for walking with me!  Now lets put up our feet and have a big 'ole glass of sweet tea!
nothin' better than a ice cold glass of sweet tea!
Isn't this sign just darling!  It gave me a great idea.  I have a sign I got at a dumpster dive!  This would be perfect to re-purpose it!
I found this one on Pinterest.  It is available on Etsy.  Click Here.

Joining a few of my favorite parties. . .(click to visit  links)
Creative Garden Party,Outdoor Wednesday, Picture Perfect Wednesday,Fertilizer Friday


  1. i really like the vines. :) i'm hoping we get a cool-down and the rain they're saying might be coming.

    good luck on the house/apt. decision!

  2. Thank you for a walk around your neighborhood.

    We have always rented.

    So, I guess, when the guys move out we will rent something just for us.

  3. As a fellow Texan, I am amazed at how some of the flowers are surviving in the heat. We have tried to plant heat tolerant plants, and it seems to be working with just a little water once a week. I'm ready to quit with the pots, however. Good luck on the house hunt!

  4. What a lovely walk :) And the vines are amazing!

    Enjoy your day!

  5. The Vines on the pillars are so cool looking. Good luck house hunting.


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