
Monday, August 4, 2014

Homemaking Monday A New Series

Welcome to my new Monday Homemaking Series
Here you'll find homemaking related posts.  Today I thought it would be fun to introduce myself and tell you A little about me . . .
As a little girl I dreamed of being a wife and a mommy
My dreams came true

As a young bride back in the 70's I received a special cookbook from my mother. . .

 Betty became my 'go to girl'.  But I loved reading cookbooks.  I have collected cookbooks throughout my marriage.  I have a huge

Things have changed a lot since those early days in the 70's. 
My 'go to' place is Pinterest. 

And now over 30 years later my Cowboy and I have raised two wonderful kids and are now grandparents and are empty nesters.

So I am cooking for two again.  I still love cooking!

I love visiting my friends in the blog world for cooking ideas and for tips and just fun things. 

The other day I a fun meme that was perfect for my 'a little about me' post.   A to Z about me . . .

(A) Aprons - Y/N If Y what does your favorite look like?

(B) Baking - Favorite thing to bake.
 I love baking so I'll try anything. 

(C) Clothesline - Y/N?
 Yes.  But I don't have one.  If I was in a house I would definitely
 have one!

(D) Donuts - Have you ever made them?
Yes, Once was enough!

 (E) Everyday - One homemaking thing you do everyday.
 Cooking Dinner.  We do try to go out once a week.  But I  normaly cook our dinner.

 (F) Freezer - Do you have a separate deep freeze?
  Yes.  Thank goodness.  We've been without.  Just bought one last weekend!

(G) Garbage Disposal - Y/N
 Yes.  Best thing since sliced bread!

(H) Handbook - what is your favorite homemaking resource?
 Back in the day I went to my Betty Crocker cookbook for everything.  Now a days its Pinterest.

(I) Ironing- Love it or hate it?
 Not a fan!  I guess that means hate!

(J) Junk Drawer - Y/N - Where is it?
Yes. In the kitchen

 (K) Kitchen - Color and decorating scheme?
 White with mostly royal blue plates on rack and red and black towels

(L) Love - What is your favorite part of homemaking?
Making my house a home.

 (M) Mop - Y/N
 This is a love/hate relationship.   I've learned not to hate it!

(N) Nylons - wash by hand or in the washing machine?
 What is a nylon? LOL haven't had a pair in I don't know how long!

(O) Oven - Do you use the window to check on things or do you open the door?
 No window!

(P) Pizza - What do you put on yours?
 1/2 Pepperoni   1/2 sausage, cheese

(Q) Quiet - What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
 I am in my little sewing room.  Click here for a tour of my little sewing space. 

 (R) Recipe Card Box - Y/N
Yes.  I have a cool wooden box my sister gave me years ago.

(S) Style of house
 Now in an apartment.  My dream would be a house on land.  Any kind of house with enough space for horses.

(T) Tablecloth and napkins - Y/N
 Not a fan of tablecloths but we use cloth napkins every day.  I don't buy paper napkins.

(U) Under the sink - Organized or toxic wasteland?
Can't stand toxic waste.  3 things dish/dishwasher soap and bleach spray are under my sink.

 (V) Vacuum - How many times per week?
 Everyday. I have a big black hairy dog!

(W) Wash - How many loads per week?
 Gee never really counted probably 5.

(X) Do you make a daily to-do list and check it off as you do things?
 Used to not anymore. 

(Y) Yard -Y/N - Who does what?
Cowboy has always paid someone to do the yard work.  He cannot stand it!  One reason we're in an apartment.

 (Z) Zzzz's - What is the last homemaking task you do for the day before you go to bed?
 Fold a load of cloths if I have washed in the evening.  Plug my phone in.

So that's a little about me.
Linking with Jess for Homemaking Monday.  Click Here.
Linking with Lori for Making Monday.  Click Here.
Linking with Much Ado Monday.  Click Here.
Linking with Nicole for Growing In Grace.  Click Here.
I'm linking up to Friendship Friday at Create With Joy.







  1. Hi,

    I enjoyed reading your answers and getting to know you. Have a great week!!

  2. You've stirred up my memomries. In 1967, as a new bride my only cookbook was the "I Hate to Cook Book". I wore it out. My niece asked if she could have it last year. Glad to share it though the cover was long ago worn off. I can still cook the recipes branded in my brain. xo Jenny

  3. This was a fun post Sherry :) Better Crocker was my first cookbook given to me by my mother in law too (she is still my go-to after all these years)... Thanks for sharing with us!


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