
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Apartment With A View And . . .

Last Saturday I was so excited to get to see the apartments we've
been drooling over . . .
                                It was a disappointment! 
Here are the pics with my comments . . .
The view from the patio .  Everything we're looking for!

And then. . .

I loved the view of the windows from the outside.   You can't see the hideous dated mini blinds .  I'm not sure you can tell how small it is but it is small.  This shot is looking toward the stairwell. 

Here's one more shot to show where the t.v. has to go!
Very small again.  The opposite wall is all glass facing the lake so you couldn't put the t.v. on that wall.  At least we wouldn't want to.
Which means if the sofa is facing the couch which Cowboy thinks it has to means your back is to the view. 
I knew it was set up this way from the floor plan but hoped the room was big enough for a sectional or two seating areas. 

I think the next shot will show you just how small it is . . .
Looking into kitchen.  Sink, stove and fridge all on one side.  So that is the width of the entire bottom floor living space. 
The interesting thing is square footage wise it is bigger than where we are.  Yet our rooms are much bigger!

On the left are the pretty glass doors leading to what they called 2nd bedroom.  We planned it to be a library.
Here's the shot of the doors looking into the kitchen
The next shots are of the main floor bathroom.  It opens from this bedroom and also the hall. 
Open shelves in bathroom. 
I dislike builtins

Probably the only photo of me you'll see on this blog.  I love to be behind the camera.  
Boring mirror.  But I could frame it!  At least there is room for a nice frame.  The lighting is pretty good.  But look at that faucet!
And the sink!  Granite in kitchen but not the bath!

And now the last shot . . .

A shot with Cowboy looking over the bedroom wall into the kitchen.  I love the lighting.  The dark doors lead into the bedroom/library.  The open door leads to the coat closet and through that open linen storage to the bathroom. 

All in all it was a big disappointment.  Even the 2 car garage that had a slight slope in the floor!  Couldn't figure that out!

Well I guess you really do 'pay' for the view.  The crazy thing is we would be paying $400.00 more a month than what we pay now. 

Even crazier is this isn't the most expensive floor plan they have!
The others but they don't over look the lake are in a high rise. 

So now we have to decided do we stay where we are.  We even have the crazy idea to consider renting a house again.  But, that is a scary option. 

For now at least we are spending the summer and fall where we are. 

And I am spending my time visiting your amazing blogs and enjoying your gardens, and beautiful views and beautiful kitchens.  And huge sewing rooms! 

And checking out Pinterest for . . . 
                                      A trick pony? 
I do miss the ranch life
Just a little point of interest for my ranchin' friends.  This was the only gelding I found for sale on Pinterest today!
Happy Trails


  1. Thanks so much for always coming by and commenting!!
    I am so glad that I did not plant in the pot and now we get to see a whole different aspect of the birds before they lay the eggs. Pretty darn interesting! i guess i lead a boring life to find that interesting, huh?
    So I take it you are looking for a new place to live? Do you rent currently?


  2. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. My daughter is looking for a house to buy and ones in her price range need a lot of work and are very small. It's a difficult market. I pray you will be led to the right place for you.


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