
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Will My Saturday Be Sweet?

Are you a follower and you wonder why I always mention
something about making my Saturday Sweet in my posts and in my titles?
 I used to link with a friend for a linky called . . .
Making Your Saturday Sweet but she has stopped the linky party.  I like the concept so I am still continuing making my Saturdays Sweet inspired . . .
Yesterday I kind of felt like a kid in a candy store.  I took a detour coming home and stopped at an apartment that we are hoping to move to in December. 
Look at this view.  Sorry this is a winter shot.  This is the view I see where I live now.  The apartment we want is that pretty bright yellow one.  It's not yellow now.  It's a nice tan color. 

Here's close up of these units there are only 12 that look over the lake and hiking trails.  It is so pretty from the outside! 

It does look barren these are very early shots from when they were built.  It is lush and green now.   Look at these amazing windows over looking the lake!

And a shot of the inside . . .
This is not the actual unit I looked at.  The one we want the sink is
on the side of the kitchen with all the other appliances.  But you can see the beautiful granite counters, black appliances and look at the pendant lighting!  Which btw way maintenance changes the bulbs. 
They are hanging form a 20 foot ceiling!  Or should I say dangling!
Isn't the glimpse of those amazing windows beautiful!

Here's the floor plan . . .
This photo is tiny.  I don't know how to enlarge.  It's a two bedroom. The master is upstairs.  The reason the ceilings are so high is it is actually a loft bedroom.  It has a half wall that overlooks the kitchen.  (A little scary.  But I just won't look! LOL)  It's not a huge bedroom but I don't like a lot of furniture.  Our bed is so pretty.  Well pretty probably isn't the word but it deserves to be the focal point of the room.   The closet is huge so there is no need for dresses or nightstands to clutter the room. 

Here' another shot looking into the living area from the kitchen . . .
This is the actual unit.  I love the island with no sink!  See why
maintenance changes the lights.  There are actually 4.  You can barely see one at the top of the photo.

Off the main living area is a second bedroom.(the open doors to the right in photo.)  But it has double glass doors.  We plan to use it as the t.v. / library room/bedroom  for our grandson when he visits.  We are planning on some kind of bench type bed that will function as seating also.  Something like this . . .

And guess what that huge closet in the second bedroom will be?
I'll give you a hint.  It will look something like this!
A beautiful empty pallet where a girl can do this . . .

It won't be empty long.  Some amazing shelves like those will be filled with colorful fabric!

Yes it would be sweet to live there!  All my Saturdays would be

What makes my Saturday sweet today?
 We are planning for Cowboy to go see it! 
And this time I am taking the camera!
                               Happy Trails
                                                     This horse is for Sale.  Click Here


  1. it looks like a beautiful place. good luck with that!

  2. Wow the unit looks pretty awesome and yes you would have a fabulous view. That horse is gorgeous.

  3. What a beautiful horse, with the curly mane. The apartment looks really sharp, I like the beams and fireplace in the lower bedroom, and the view and access to hiking trails sounds cool. I like the idea of the closet where you can sew, too.


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