
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thrifty Tuesday

I love antiqueing.  Don't you.  Today I am sharing one of my
favorite finds . . .

 Many years ago back in the day the Cowboy had a chuck wagon.
This cool piece was part of it.  We salvaged it and used it for a new purpose .
In our house it sat on the fireplace hearth filled books. . .
Now adays it's sitting as part of a display on an antique library table
I love using it to store part of my horse/ranching library
Some day all these books and many more will be in a room something like this . . .
or maybe something like this . . .

 #library #book
I dream . . . About books and . . .

Life is better with a horse.
         Linking with Nifty Thrifty.  Click Here.  
         Linking with Sir Thrift A lot.  Click Here.    
                                                            Happy Trails


  1. not sure if my comment worked or not, so i'll try again.

    nice piece to re-use!

  2. ahhh,Sherry...what is it about beautiful book shelves filled with beautiful books that we all dream of...? ...just pure beauty ??
    Yep, I think so, too. :)

  3. Looks good, your future library looks amazing :D


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