
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hodge Podge Wednesday A New Linky


Saw this at my friend Denise's thought it looked like fun . . 

1.What news story are you following right now?

The weather.  We need ran.  Flooding in Houston.

2. What's the last thing you wanted but didn't get?

A different job at work.  I had an opportunity to take a new position. (PreK teacher I teach 3 year olds now).  The hours were different.  And not a raise right away.  I decided to stay where I am.
 3 28th is National Hamburger Day...when did you last have a hamburger? Other than your own kitchen or BBQ grill, where is your favorite place to go for a hamburger? And for all you non-meat eaters out there...when you're invited to a cookout what is one side dish you hope is on the menu?

A local small restaurant called Ernies.  They are a great sea food place.  We went for
lunch one day.  I was craving a burger.  So yummy.  If your ever in North Richland
Hills, Texas check out Ernies.


4. How have your priorities changed over time?
God and family.  But as family (children) leave or as elders go to be with the Lord it changes.  You make at least I do new priorities.  Hmmm....that sounds like a post topic.
5. What's a favorite memory with your grandparents?
This was the one that caused me to join the Linky!  My grandfather had a really small vegetable garden.  A garden on blackberries and watermelons.  He was never successful with the melons.  Our summer treats ended up coming from the local Safeway.
But he could grow some blackberries!  My two favorite fruits.  Thanks to my grandparents

6. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being fantastic!), how good are you at multitasking? Share an example.
Well 10 of course aren't all women!

7. How would you summarize your highs and lows for the month of May?

High having a birthday lunch with our grandson.  He's turned 6.                                          Low. That was the only visit with him.
8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Vacations are to short.  I love my job.  And love that I get a week off every few months. It is so nice!
Thanks Denise for sharing this new Linky.  Click here to join Hodge Podge Wednesday

        Happy Trails

loveBelgiumFawcettBrought to you by Cookies In Bloom and Hannah's Caramel Apples   www.hannahscaramelapples.comSmiles



  1. Welcome to the Hodgepodge! So glad you joined in today. I love blackberries too, blackberry cobbler is one of my favorite desserts.


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