
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Santa Please . . .

Santa Please . . . Yes I am thinking about Christmas
I had this really cool idea.  At least I think it is.

I have a Pinterest Board titled Santa Please . . .

Here's a few pins . .

CROSS MY HEART RING   There is lots of jewelry on my board
And things for the house . . .

 horse-theme-equestrian-beautiful-accent-plates-design-idea-kitchen-dining-room-horsin2527aroundplates.jpg (320×320)
I love dishes and horses. 
I love things for my kitchen . . .

pretty measuring spoons just make me happy.... don't know why, but they do! I found these really cool measuring spoons this morning. Kinda remind me of the fancy sterling ones.

If you look at my Pinterest boards you can learn a lot about me . .

There's My Home School Board . . .
Seasons with handprints
My Horses Board . . .

My Apartment DIY Board . . .

Flat logs

And of course My Sewing and Quilting Boards . . .

Then there's My Pink board.  Just because I like Pink
vintage pink velvet sofa
If you follow my boards or my blog you can learn a lot about me. 

Last night I was talking to my DIL (they live two states away)  she mentioned that the bubble bath I sent for our granddaughter in the Easter package she used on her dolls.  She can't use bubble bath in her tub. 

It's hard living so far away and not seeing kids and grand kids every day.

I've never seen their house.  They built a few years ago their dream home.  After the initial home photo's they haven't sent anymore.  My DIL is a photographer so she sends tons of family and kid portrait shots but nothing else. 

And so I got to thinking what if they made boards of things they like.  I have a 5 year old granddaughter and a 13 year old grandson. 

I can only imagine what they would put on a Pinterest board.  Actually I know what my grandson would he already has a few boards.  He posts funny jokes and photography. 

I learned last night my granddaughters prefers Rose Art crayons to Crayola!

In the words of Martha Stewart . . . Pinterest it's a Good Thing!

Do you have far away family?  Maybe suggesting they make a Pinterest Board would bring your family closer together. 

I would love to hear your comment.  Or suggestions on how to
bridge the gap when your family lives far apart. 

Happy Easter,

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