
Friday, May 17, 2013

Song --There's a Song In My Heart

Joining Lisa Jo for a simple little post.  She gives a topic with simple rules.  Write, don't edit, don't apologize for your thoughts and all in 5 minutes . . . is it ok to spell check?

Song it's funny she came up with this topic.  There's within my heart a melody.  Words from an old hymn I can't remember the rest. It makes me sad.  I miss the old hymns.  I surrender all.  All to Jesus I surrender.  That one I can remember. I need to remember. 
Because I realize that I do need to surrender.  Everyday.  Every hour.  Brings back another lyric. . . I need the every hour. 
We hear stories of people with addictions and their comments are something like this.  It's a daily struggle.  One day at a time.  One hour at a time.  But why don't we Christians think the same way about our relationship with our Lord.  Maybe you do.  But I don't
I don't do what I want.  Well that's wrong I do what I want.  I do what my selfish spirit wants. 
But what I want is to know him more and more.  I want to seek him every hour.  I want to fill my heart with a song.  A melody that whispers sweetly to me.  A melody that He sings to me.

Praying your day is filled with a Sweet Sweet Spirit
Linking with Lisa Jo.  Click here to visit and join.


  1. I love that you bring up the hymns! There's a stanza from one that has been on repeat for me lately: "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love." I'm in a season on wandering right now and that little lyric reminds me of how much I need my shepherd to guide me back home! Thanks for this today!

  2. A lovely thoughtful post. It is often difficult to surrender all to Him who knows everything! But without Him we are lost souls. I like this message today. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a great tribute to the prompt "Song". Thank you for posting. I reminds me too to seek God every hour, not just in times of need. Have a blessed day!

  4. I love hymns! They bring me so much comfort. Visiting today from the Five Minute Friday! Blessings!

  5. There's within my heart a melody, Jesus whispers sweet and low. Fear not I am with thee, peace be still in all of life's ebb and flow.


    Thanks for sharing and now I'll be singing it all day! Yay!

    Here from FMF!

  6. So true, it is a daily decision to love and follow and obey. And it isn't easy... Thanks for sharing!



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