
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Date Night Wednesday Filled with Words

Welcome to our first Date Night Linky party!  Today I added the linky!
Usually on Wednesday I post a scripture and then write what is on my heart.  Today I am taking a little break and inviting you to join me for Date Night. 
It's simple write a post about a date with your man. 
In fact it is so simple that you can even right about a dream date.
The whole idea is just to share ideas about fabulous dates! 
Maybe you and your man don't get a lot of chances for dates.  Write about it too.  I know my Cowboy and I don't many dates out. 
We all them.  Maybe someone can share some ideas on inexpensive dates.  Or ideas on how to motivate our man out from in front of the t.v. or out of the garage or whereever it is he hides away!
So join the fun and share your dates with us!

Date Night Returns


  1. Date night what a great idea.

  2. Love the idea of sharing 'date night'. I would love the inspiration to find creative ideas! Thanks for your kind comments on my blog, I have enjoyed my visit here and will be back!! Blessings to you.

  3. This is a great idea. Thanks for visiting my blog too. I am a new follower. Blessings to you!

  4. This is a great idea that will encourage other women to honor their husband. The way to get him away from the TV or out of the garage is not to mention it. Instead, make a wonderful lunch, make him cookies, and write him sweet notes, and do things that show that you love him. He will much rather WANT to be with you when you don't nag him to be with you. When I try to GET my husband away from the computer (we don't watch that isn't an issue) he WON'T come. When he comes to sit with me of his own accord, I need to be interested and stop what I am doing and pay him honor and respect....listening.


Thank you for visiting. I love your comments!