
Thursday, November 15, 2012


Stay . . .
with me.  Sit. Stay.   I think of  Stay when we leave the house we always tell Daisy "Stay and be a good girl."  And she always is. 

And I think of Staying safe in the protection of my Savior.  I don't need to worry.  .  . although I do. . . that he is there.  I Stay safe and protected by Christ. 

And I hope that you are safe and protected.   I Stay here to share with you God's love.  God's mercy.  God's compassion.  God's healing.  God's Stayingness.  Yes God Stay's no matter what.  We can count on Him.  Because he Stay's. 

And I can feel protected and safe.  I can feel his Love.  His strength.  And I can Be Still and Stay.

Linking with Lisa Jo for 5 Minute Friday...stay with us and visit the linky for more posts.  Click Here. 


  1. I love the days we can sit with Him, we don't have to dash off for this and that in the world, but we can breath Him in and He can fill us up while we sit and stay...thank you for sharing and reflecting on how good it is to sit with our Daddy.

  2. The only way to trust and to rest in God is to believe that He always stays, regardless of how we move.
    Thanks for the reminder.

  3. To be still and feel His love and strength. Yes, I think I will stay too! Visiting from the Five Minute Friday!

  4. So love that He is always with us and asks us to stay with Him. Lovely post friend! Blessings!


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