
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Then Sings My Soul Saturday--On My Knees

And my Soul Sings....
Thank you for dropping by . . . each Saturday I share a favorite song from the Sunday before.  

I hope you enjoy this live version . . .

My Cowboy and I are chaplains at our states Juvenile Dention Center.  The boys of our church congregation are 'hard cases'. 

Each week we are amazed at their openess and they desire to learn about God. 

I have to laugh some days though because we aren't so sure that their favorite video is because of the content and message or more about the pretty girl singing.    We always pray that they hear the real message.   And, if they consider going to church when they are released because there might be pretty girls there well...I kinda think it might be ok. 

Each week the boys write their prayer requests.  If you can pray for them or for a specific prayer we would be Blessed. 

"I ask for guidance through my level 2 hearing tomorrow.  And that everything will go good.  I ask you to bless my friends and my family and a very special girl."

"Thank you God for everything you've done for me.  I am claiming and I know that with you all things are possible."

On a Blessed Journey  
Linking with Amy Wyatt at Then Sings My Soul.  Click Here

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