
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Welcome,Welcome,Welcome to Thankful Thursday. Tonight I have so many things that I could share with you from my Thankful heart but I know you have lots of other amazing blogs to visit so I thought I would share with you in photo's with just a brief caption! Enjoy!
Today I am thankful for my eyes.  That I can see these stunning pumpkins.  I was afraid when I went back to work the first pay check would be spent on glasses.  But, although my lenses are scratched I can see the computer!  Yea . . .
Everyone needs a dog and a horse!  I am so thankful that God allowed us to have both for a lot of years.  Right now I am living through the amazing photo's that others are posting of their wonderful equine friends.  I am thankful for horse people who blog!  

I am Thankful for peace.  I love the few moments I have to sit and be still and just be with God . . .
I am Thankful he loves me anyway. . .

So, what are you Thankful for your list might be a little different than mine but I sure hope that your just as Thankful for God's redemption as I am!    Leave me a comment and let me know!

Thank you for Joining me on this Thankful Journey . . .
Join the Thankful Thursday link.  Click here

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