
Monday, October 8, 2012

Mosaic Monday For the Love of Horses 1

Welcome to Mosaic Monday my New/Old feature . . .
today I am joining Mary at Dear Little Red House again and sharing one of my very favorite animals. I hope you'll enjoy this little short visit into the world of The Equine

If you visit my blog often it probably won't take you long to realize that I am a horsewoman at heart! I just love horses of all kinds. Our family was very Blessed to have had horses for the past 25 years. This past July we lost our last horse. He was very special to us because we had him 22 years. He was a wonderful addition to our family we miss him dearly.

Here is one of the last photo's taken of Pal with our grandson our daughter and some of the volunteers at the barn where our daughter taught lessons . . .

I hope you've enjoyed your visit.  Thank you for coming by and letting me share my love of horses with you.

 I hope all your trails are Happy! To visit the other Mosaic Monday posts at Mary's click here.

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